Privacy Policy

Privacy & Security Statements

At Mobile Live Scan Print we respect your right to privacy and we understand that, as a visitor to, you prefer to control your own personal information and preferences. For this reason ,we may ask you to register or to provide personal information and preferences when you visit certain areas of, request information, or subscribe to Mobile Live Scan Print newsletter.

We will guard the personal information you share with us to ensure the content, services, and advertising we provide on are always tailored to your current, designated preferences. When you provide Mobile Live Scan Printwith your name, e-mail address, mailing address, and telephone number, only Mobile Live Scan Printrepresentative may contract you regarding our products and services via mail, phone, or other means. Mobile Live Scan Print does not offer or allow the selling of any user-provided information to third parties.

Mobile Live Scan Print respects the rights users give us when opting to receive e-mail communications and enforces internal policies to preserve those rights. It is our objective to retain the long-term ability to continue to communicate with our users.

If you do not want Mobile Live Scan or Mobile Live Scan Print representatives to contact you, you may "opt out" of this preference at any time ,whether you're online or contacting Mobile Live Scan Print directly. As part of your preference flexibility , you'll always have the option to opt back in and have Mobile Live Scan Print contact you based on you previous or new preferences. If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still visit most Mobile Live Scan Print websites; however, you will not have access to areas that requires personal identification.

​ Cookies and Session IDs

"Cookies" are information files, which your web browser places on your computer when you visit a web site. Mobile Live Scan Print uses cookies and session IDs to authenticate a User as he or she navigates various parts of Mobile Live Scan Print sites. Cookies and session IDs may also be used to automate data entry functions. For example , cookies may be used to enabled a User to move through a Mobile Live Scan Print web site without having to retype the User's password. Mobile Live Scan Print does not obtain personal information via cookies or session IDs, and does not link any data collected through cookies or session IDs to any personal information.

​ Links

Mobile Live Scan Print websites may contain links to other sites. Mobile Live Scan Print assumes no responsibility for the content of the privacy policies and practices of such websites. Mobile Live Scan Print encourages you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites; their privacy practices may differ from ours.

​ Data Security

Mobile Live Scan Print has taken steps to ensure that any information Mobile Live Scan Print collects is secure by, among other things, limiting the number of people who have physical access to Mobile Live Scan Print database servers, utilizing electronic security systems, and using password protections which guard against unauthorized access.

​ Questions & Complaints

Mobile Live Scan Print has taken steps to ensure that any information Mobile Live Scan Print collects is secure by, among other things, limiting the number of people who have physical access to Mobile Live Scan Print database servers, utilizing electronic security systems, and using password protections which guard against unauthorized access.

​ Other

This policy is subject to change from time to time. This policy was last updated on Julu 1st 2023.